GrowExpress project farm with seed varieties from IITA

GrowExpress Ltd.: Experts from the seed bank IITA in Ibadan/Nigeria help with the selection of seeds and fertilizers – by Erik Simon, Managing Director
Carbon Capitalism: Environmental Protection and Development Policy

Wealthy countries on meeting climate goals – suddenly Switzerland is at the pillory, discussion with Josefine Schulte, a student from London with Thomas Wegener, Founder of GrowExpress Ltd. which runs a model agricultural farm in Nigeria.
Green Deal – For cooperation between the EU and Africa

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the goal of climate neutrality by 2050 is Europe’s “man-on-the-moon moment” and represents an ambitious project that could fundamentally transform European economies and societies. In conversation with Berlin-based entrepreneur Thomas Wegener, founder of GrowExpress Ltd, Ibadan in Nigeria.
Next Big Think: Digitization with sustainability in the agricultural industry

Digitization and artificial intelligence as a necessity for the development towards sustainable agriculture? Future investments in sustainability projects indoor farming and vertical farming. In conversation with Jörg Trübl, member of the board of directors of the Swiss MABEWO AG in Küssnacht am Rigi.
Globalization process for world nutrition

The world is facing its greatest challenge, combating world hunger as the world’s population grows. But what are the solutions to this and how can globalization help with the problem? In conversation with Stefan Ruckelshaußen, organic farmer and managing director of Food & Energy Campus Groß-Gerau GmbH.
Local supply concepts through alternative production

Model farm structures for agriculture 4.0 – challenge of sustainable food supply – short transport distances, directly on site with urban farming concepts
Headwind for the implementation of the European Green Deal

Climate neutrality: “Becoming the first climate-neutral continent” is the goal of the European Union. What are we contributing to this? In conversation with Catrin Soldo from Berlin, Business Development Manager of the MABEWO Group from Switzerland.
MABEWO BLUE PLANET: Exploring as a technology pioneer

Sustainability, profitability, safety and social responsibility – MABEWO stands for “Make a better world” – MABEWO Blue Planet is committed to climate protection.