Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Afrikas hängt an Strom und Wasser
Mangelhafte Wasser- und Stromversorgung bremst die Entwicklung in Afrika, von Erik Simon im Interview, Geschäftsführer des Landwirtschaftsbetriebs GrowExpress Ltd. in Nigeria, von Dr. Rainer Schreiber
GrowExpress project farm with seed varieties from IITA
GrowExpress Ltd.: Experts from the seed bank IITA in Ibadan/Nigeria help with the selection of seeds and fertilizers – by Erik Simon, Managing Director
Wenn Voodoo und Aberglauben die Menschen in Afrika beherrschen
Aktuelle Studie zu Verschwörungsideologien in Subsahara-Afrika im Zeitalter des globalen Kapitalismus, vorgestellt von Thomas Wegener, Founder der GrowExpress Ltd. im Gespräch mit Erik Simon; Geschäftsführer der GrowExpress Ltd., Nigeria.
Europe and Africa: Partnership goals for a better world
Green turnaround, digital transformation, sustainable growth and employment, peace and governance, migration and mobility – European Union and African Union cooperation is gaining momentum.
Europe’s Global Gateway as a Counterweight to the „Silk Road
Global Gateway as an infrastructure strategy of the European Union – Strengthening Africa through regional investment plans under the Global Gateway flagship initiative. Strengthening and geopolitical importance of the African continent and the African Union (AU). What is the scope of this project? In conversation with Erik Simon and Thomas Wegener, GrowExpress Ltd. Ibadan, Nigeria.
Regenerative Marktwirtschaft versus extraktiver Ausbeutung der Erde
Ein Gespräch mit Roland Kirsch, Unternehmer aus der Schweiz, Autor Thomas Wegner, Founder GrowExpress Ltd., Nigeria.
Energy transition: Conflict Fuel in Nigeria
The global energy world reacts to crises – climate and environmental pollution knows no borders. When states rely on oil – in conversation with Thomas Wegener, on the social commitment of GrowExpress Ltd. in Ibadan, Nigeria, by Dr. Thomas Schulte, lawyer and specialist author from Berlin.
Carbon Capitalism: Environmental Protection and Development Policy
Wealthy countries on meeting climate goals – suddenly Switzerland is at the pillory, discussion with Josefine Schulte, a student from London with Thomas Wegener, Founder of GrowExpress Ltd. which runs a model agricultural farm in Nigeria.
Farm GrowExpress Ltd. – Impressions from harvest time in Nigeria, by Dr. Thomas Schulte, Berlin
October 2022 – Impressions from harvest time, the first 11 hectares have been harvested and put to dry in the company’s own maize barn. The construction of the farmhouse on the model estate is also progressing. Founder and shareholder Thomas Wegener’s goal is to have the model farmhouse ready for use by cooperative farmers in […]
Green Deal – For cooperation between the EU and Africa
EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the goal of climate neutrality by 2050 is Europe’s „man-on-the-moon moment“ and represents an ambitious project that could fundamentally transform European economies and societies. In conversation with Berlin-based entrepreneur Thomas Wegener, founder of GrowExpress Ltd, Ibadan in Nigeria.